Better iPad support :maybe:

Group Leader
Mar 8, 2018
I like to use Mangadex on my iPad Mini, because it's much higher resolution than my PC display. The aspect ratio isn't quite the same as the iPad, but changing MangaDex to scale to window height seems to solve that problem. There are two problems left:

1) Even if you add it to the home screen, MangaDex is missing the meta tags to enable fullscreen mode, so the UI of Safari takes up lots of space that could be used for the image
2) Even if you try to force MangaDex to fullscreen (such as hosting your own HTML file that sets Safari to full screen and redirects to MangaDex), all the chapter links are done with simple link tags, which causes Safari to exit the "web app" and open it in the normal non-fullscreen Safari browser.

The first point is easy to solve, just add something like <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> to the pages. It seems like the home screen icon already works, but for good measure, you can also add the apple-touch-icon metatag pointing to default.png.

The second point is trickier. I can't solve it with my redirect shenanigans, but there are javascript snippets floating around that check for Safari fullscreen mode, and if found, change all links to use an onclick javascript redirect instead of the href attribute.

I don't know if any of these snippets work (since some of them are up to 8 years old), but there was this that I found on the subject:
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Locking due to being added to the megathread.

Note: Mods will unlock this thread as needed if further research is warranted. Feel free to discuss in the megathread itself!

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