Is there any manga site database that contains the information of the chapters in its volume?+

Apr 27, 2018
Sorry for the long tittle, I do not know how to put this as a question hehe... ?
So is there any site that shows the content of the volume of manga? Like showing vol 2 consist of chapter 6 - 10, sort of. I've been downloading some good manga and compile them in volumes as part of reading collection in my tablet. Its nice in here since most manga have volume indicator which chapters belong to what volume but too bad some of my favorite manga are incomplete in here so I have to download them in different site. That site does not have such volume indicator, they are just a list of chapter 1 - 100+ - end.
So is there any? how scanlators know that this chapter belongs to this volume/new volume such things like that?

EDIT: Its called table of content ? So anyone knows any site provide that info in each volume of manga?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
There is a preview pages on each manga, you can take a peek a few pages inside. I'm sure you'll find the table of content.

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