Goddess's Taste - Ch. 3

Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
> scarred the guy for life because of her own retarded reasons.

Karma is a bitch, bitch.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
Oh... Lol
I thought she was scared of touching others but it was deeper than that
Many thanks
Sep 5, 2019
I mean that is a omega shit friend! You can like someone for one reason then get to know them and like them for more reasons after.
Sep 22, 2018
@Halo I mean it was mostly her friends fault pushing her own prejudices against her rather then helping her to get people to understand, and from the looks of things she's pretty darn scarred too because she thinks she's a freak cause of it.... <_<

Seriously where the hell was the shit friend in all of this while her whole life was basically crumbling around her >_>
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
@KrimzonHawka that's not really "her own prejudices" though. Switch the roles and make the MC be thirsty for feet and you got a degenerate pervert.
Her only mistake was not accounting for the female lead's level of stupid. "Maintain your distance" doesn't mean "give him a psychological trauma."
Sep 22, 2018
@Halo Her friend just gave into societal pressure and made her fetish out to be that exact same degeneracy. And so what if the other MC would have liked feet, were they hurting anyone or disregarding all the other aspects of their character/personality now? If my friend was an otherwise decent and normal guy but they had this non-harmful kink I wouldn't tell them to shove it in a damn closet. But why should society's biases have anything to do with this, you should be able to love and accept yourself and try and get others to do the same if you truly are friends. That advice WAS the stupid part, maintaining your distance was inevitably going to hurt him no matter what, did the man look like he had many friends to freaking begin with? And the fact that the friend made the fetish out as something to not be revealed was the SOURCE of the misunderstanding to begin with because the FMC wasn't comfortable about herself to reveal her reasons or issues to him hence the trauma for everyone now because she thinks she IS a degenerate and goddam pervert now.
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
@KrimzonHawka What social pressure? It's common sense and decency to not openly objectify other people based on their appearance. Just like you have freedom of fetishes, other people have their own freedom to stay out of it. Besides, I wouldn't be too happy to find out that a person I like talks to me just because of the shape of my pinky toe or something.
And while it's a good thing to be supportive of your friends, you also have a responsibility to watch out for them. The friend in question was sympathetic to the female lead, her main concern was how others would not be so kind. Which is not hard to image, considering this story is set in South Korea.
Unless I missed the part where the friend advised the female lead to scream like she's being assaulted, I don't see how it's her responsibility.
Sep 22, 2018
@Halo She did no such thing regarding the objectification though, she kept it in perfectly fine and her friends 'advice' was to basically keep her whole thing to herself, even though she was a genuine friend for the MC outside of the hand thing as she quoted his other good points even though she first got close to him because of the hand thing. This show's she was able to grow their relationship outside of her fetish perfectly fine! Admire certain body parts like legs a lot doesn't mean you can't have a normal relationship with them outside of that or that you can't function with any kind restraint. This isn't about advising restraint now or keeping herself under control so you don't make them uncomfortable now, by telling her to maintain distance you're basically telling her to stay in a closet and not be comfortable with telling people who she is. How they hell are you supposed to know if they should or should not stay out of it if you can't be honest with them when they had no clue to begin with and must purposefully keep them at a distance now hmmm? The PROBLEM was that her friend made her feel small about her fetish to the point where she couldn't feel like she could openly tell the MC the truth, and she screamed because of how good it felt at the time but was too embarrassed with herself to ever clear up the misunderstanding at that point. Her friend made her feel small, and a deviant who couldn't be open or honest of comfortable with who they are, pure and simple. THAT was the lasting consequence of her friend's 'advice' and the REAL cause of this whole debacle, an inability and fear to be comfortable enough to be honest which lead to this ultimate misunderstanding.
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
This show's she was able to grow their relationship outside of her fetish perfectly fine!
And they would have stayed that way if she didn't act like a rape victim.
You're putting a lot of blame based on assumptions while simultaneously ignoring concrete actions taken by the parties involved.
Sep 22, 2018
@Halo She ONLY did that because her friend basically told her to push the MC away in the first place! AND her friend once again BELITTLED her fetish which is what you're doing now I might point out, because she only screamed out of pleasure, not fear but you want to put the blame solely on her because of said fetish now. But the main problem wasn't the scream, it was that she was too embarrassed about herself thanks to her friend to openly just admit the misunderstanding. I don't need assumptions, we can read their freaking thought processes throughout that entire encounter. Once again the whole root of this entire debacle is not being honest or clearing up misunderstandings, which is what her friends advice to keep a distance with no explanation or encouragement to just be honest and admit to the MC the real reason and leaving said MC with nothing to go on or any idea what was really happening. How can you call that good advice when once again the advice was basically stay in the freaking closet, and then see how that turned out now because the FMC was once again too embarrassed to explain or clear it up. But no, it's her fault because she has a fetish and reacted to the things she likes, not her friends fault for making her feel like a damn degenerate to where she couldn't even talk about it afterwards apparently 🙄
Sep 22, 2018
@Halo See, exactly that kind of attitude and prejudice that leads us into this kind of mess and makes other people so uncomfortable with being honest about themselves or to others and what led to this debacle. It's not that she found pleasure in it, you find pleasure in a lot of things. I can moan like that after taking a bite out of something really delicious to eat and people don't look at me weird, they can understand because they can see why even if they might not necessarily share them same kind of tastes. If a girl rubs her breasts against me and I have a reaction, well it was only natural cause lots of men like boobs. But the minute it's something only a few people get even though they're not hurting anyone ohhhhh no, you're a degenerate and a pervert and we're just going to judge and condemn you for it to the point where you can never reveal it to anyone. So yeah, go stay in your closet and not get close to people in case you find them attractive apparently cause obviously you're gonna contaminate them with your fetish, like how we treated the LGBT community not too long ago. If that's what you're subscribing too, then we're done here because you're apparently just stuck in your own prejudices and biases now so there's no further point in discussing something with someone who has a one track mind and doesn't care to understand or be empathetic to differences in other people <_<
Sep 22, 2018
@Halo it's an example of certain groups with certain sexual inclinations being labeled as degenerate perverts at certain points in history and being told to stay in the closet instead of just being open and honest about who they are. Kind of like what you're doing now, but again I'm not gonna get into this anymore if you're just going to keep diminishing the FMCs kinks or the trauma involved in telling someone to repress who they are <_<
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
@KrimzonHawka are now ignoring that LGBT people were actually persecuted? I think there are still some places where gay is illegal.
I suppose it's nice to have ideals.
Sep 22, 2018
@Halo I can only speak to my experiences here in the states and how I saw them characterized growing up, and that was exactly the type of dismissive discrimination I used to see. Why? Because people like you just want to judge instead of understand or acknowledge it seems and think it's perfectly okay to just tell them to go stay in the closet, and because of that they can't feel comfortable about being honest with themselves, hence why we have the mess we are currently in. Simple as that, and once again I'm not gonna get into it any further with you on the matter if that's how you're gonna be in making fun of another person for their differences.

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