Need help remembering name of Manga about a genius make-up artist photography/modeling

Dec 15, 2018
So I don't remember much about the manga but I believe it was about a genius make-up artist, or photographer, who is male and was searching for the perfect female to model his make-up skills. The setting of the manga is either about photography, or modeling, showcasing the protagonist taking photos of the deuteragonist, the young woman model. Who, in one particular scene, is photographed as a female warrior/barbarian with red warpaint while cutting her hair short. An near perfect example of what type of warpaint I mean would be the Estebans, a group of barbarians, from "A returner's magic should be special".

The photography seems to revolve around colors, so the theme for that photo shoot was red. The next scene, I believe, was based on purple??? or perhaps green, in which the photo consists only of the deuteragonist's lips being a different color than the theme. This was significant because the author introduced a challenge in the form of a jealous rival who sabotaged the make-up kit of the protagonist. The protags overcame the challenge by taking a photo in negative to display the theme's color in a creative way. This is all I really remember. It seems the genius protagonist was also rather plain looking but was known as handsome since he used his own make-up skills on himself to appear as such, if this helps any.

Regardless, I'd like help finding it again since the warpaint scene was so badass it really stuck around in my head. I'm just an idiot and forgot to bookmark it. Any help would be appreciated, many thanks.

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