Against the Gods - Ch. 42 - The Seeds of the Evil God(3)

Aggregator gang
Jun 28, 2018
Kudos to Luxy for finally using novel names for something in this manhua, it's more proper this way than what the other guy was doing just inventing moves and names for the kicks...
Feb 26, 2019
Chapter 42, Mc still level one rare to see chiness writter taking so long time, guess it's gonna be explosively fast once he start level up
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Spoiler tags were invented to avoid spoiling anyone who doesn't want it.

Expect Yun Che to get stronger in bursts, usually by 5 to 10 mini levels at once. He'll be at a level of power, fight 1 to 3 major fights that he can just about maybe handle, then he'll get a power buff. Sometimes the buff will be just from the top of the previous tier to the 1st level of the next tier, but that's usually enough to count as a significant upgrade when it happens. That's basically the progress for the entire novel, other than when occasionally a friend or whatever will do the fighting for him which happens from time to time.

Lower levels the difference in power is minor, but later power levels provide a significant boost just for reaching the next realm.

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