All Day Jo Ayoung - Ch. 57

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
"With this, we can always have fun no matter how boring it is to hang out with you!"

Man, Ayoung sure is brutal! But what I'm most curious about is, why is she not going to school?
Jan 20, 2018
@Fredfriendly Assume she is basically Korean Yutsuba. Perpetually at age 4 or something where old enough to be able to interact with everyone but too young to actually go to school. She could probably go to a pre-school like setting but even in the US up until really recently, pre-school was more of a very cheap child care setting then actually anything educational. So parents who can be with their kids all day wouldn't send their kids to it.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Topweasel @GruntZone360 I can't remember if Ayoung's age has ever been mentioned or even hinted at, but knowing what I do about young kids, I'd say she's at least 6 years old, if not older, but certainly not 4 years old. On the other hand, I know nothing about the Korean school system, whether it's pay-to-go or free, and particularly whether or not attendance is compulsory.
Jan 20, 2018
@Fredfriendly think of it as poor representation of what the author thought 4 year olds were like. My niece at 3 can have super super long conversations with me. But I understand about 1 out of 10 words. I expect she will be better at 4. But for the most part whether its playing fighting games, recreating mob scenes, or something. Yes its way more advance than the typical 4 year old. But these authors don't want to write about a 6 year old kid that spends all day at school. They want them to interact with kids that go to school. So their age for all intents is Manga 4. Super advanced, but not going to school.

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