Looking for peeps and STAFF, join Moonless Lunatics~ izz free (don't be shy)

Group Leader
May 11, 2020
Heyaa everyone!

Moonless Lunatics is currently open for recruitments!

We're in dire need for new staffs!
(P.S: More staffs mean fast release~)
Also for translations, MTL is also allowed but u need to at least have a lil bit knowledge of the language!

Currently available positions (NEED to have a bit experience except for TLs)
—> KR Translators ( urgent )
—> CN Translators ( urgent ) ( for a shoujo fantsasy manhua )
—> Typesetters ( urgent )( can do BL/Yaoi ) ( also for a shoujo fantasy) ( and another fantasy manhwa )
—> CL/RDs
—> Experienced Quality Checkers

We're a new Scan Group & we currently have two ongoing projects!
-> Dragon Of The Lake

(an isekai romance!)
-> 4 Week Lovers

(a SMUTTY YAOI!! poking yaoi lovers) https://mangadex.org/title/52515/4-week-lovers

and the other 2 that's coming soon once we have enough staff for it
Message me if you're interested/ wanna know more about our releases or the coming soon projects
don't be shy, apply

Don't worry about not having enough experience cuz we can help you as well on that~

In the future, we'll be also open for more projects of any sort! Join our discord~
All staffs are all friendly~!
Group Leader
May 11, 2020
Also message me if u wanna know about the two unreleased series yet. We also need staffs for that^^

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