Nintendo, Sony, & Microsoft Forming Policy to Disclose Loot Box Odds

Dec 30, 2018
Entertainment Software Association (ESA) is currently working on new policies with all three gaming publishers in which players will know the odds of getting certain items or characters in games featuring loot boxes as well as gatcha games before spending money. More information can be seen here:

This is certainly good news for those who have been having issues with gatcha games and/or games with loot boxes. I certainly know there have been many complaints with loot boxes.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Casinos get rich via Gambling!

Videogames causes Gambling Addiction!

Videogames causes Videogame publishers to be rich!

"The group of gamers responsible for half of all in-game revenue in mobile titles is frightening because it is so narrow, according to a survey by Swrve, an established analytics and app marketing firm. About 0.15 percent of mobile gamers contribute 50 percent of all of the in-app purchases generated in free-to-play games"

How is this not brought up more than Videogames causes violence
Dec 6, 2018
My incredibly well stupid cousin spend over 6k euro in games and mobile Apps thinking he is utilizing his own money well it was the creditcard of his mother. He is nearly 16 btw so he should be aware to some extend. Does'nt really have anything to do with this topic just thought it was funny. Oh and he lost his account were he spent most of the money so well yeah not that smart.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
It's definitely a step in the right direction. Although, unfortunately, there's a long way to go. The gambling laws in most countries need to be updated to account for loot box type mechanics.
Active member
Nov 29, 2018
@Teddy Because bureaucrats are perfectly content to see a (theoretically) infinite number of people murdered, debt-enslaved, or otherwise brought to ruin. Personal bubble-crafting and news manipulation is far more responsible for violence than video games by several orders of magnitude, but addressing that might hinder all the political backstabbing. So they go after irrelevant bullshit that doesn't affect them one way or another, i.e. video games.
Dec 6, 2018
Oh can someone explain to me in what way exactly its causing violence. The question is if they mean the depiction of it in games and the probability of it having an effect on people or the aggression that can be caused by pretty much everything that is competetive or alike?
Active member
Nov 29, 2018
@Rhaptopia The theory is that violent video games usually don't implement consequences that equals the violence your character is committing, so it disassociates people from reality; gives them a high for being violent with no incentive to restrain themselves. Technically true as far as it goes, but ignores the fact that over-use of video games (6, 8, 10 hours a day) and personality pre-inclination is more important.

There's more to the whole thing, but that's the basic synopsis.
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
I wonder how many murderers in recent times were influenced by violent video games.

I played GTA when I was 13-14 and didn't end up going around killing people, lol.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
TBH I do feel sad, that some free to play games might become collateral.

Some gachas give you loads of free game currency, but are extremely expensive to buy with real money

Others don't give much free game currency but are cheaper to buy with real money.

I perfer the former, as they are usually less grindy and have less ads to buy in games.

On violence though, I don't actually mind if they lift the age limit to 21 or 18. My own selfish points are you have less teenagers that make it their life goal to scream at every multiplayer game, spend money that they don't have boosting the expectations of video game companies and believing swearing/just being a jerk in general makes you cool

Also less videogame time for them means more time for them to exercise or study(not that they'll do it anyways)

Welp literally became against videogames in general not just violent ones.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
I play a gacha game called Just Kill Me 3. The thing I like there is that it shows you the odds of your lotteries so you can strategically spend your currencies during certain events with better odds.
Aug 8, 2018
The violent video game thing is deflection for politicians who are sponsored by Gun companies. That and there are significantly large portions of the American population who's life depends on guns for hunting food and wild life control so there's a double incentive to keep gun control low to please their constituents.

They always change their scape goat, my dad has wonderful stories of them blaming gun violence on Violent video tapes, TV, Punk rock, porn and Drugs.

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